Dive into getting to know ANA on a more personal level with an interview they did, where they were asked a series of personal and music related questions!

Q: What inspired you to stream your creative/music journey on Twitch? Its a unique thing for a band to do!
Anna: Because its innovative and I haven't seen not many bands doing it.
Josh: The bands are not taking advantage of the new platform enough. Easy way to reach the young audience.
Tory: What Josh said.
Q: What is the main inspiration in the music you create?
Anna: Melodies that I hear in my head. I can see them, so I need to put them into the music I write.
Josh: We want to do something new and at the same time bring back some old.
Q: If you could play a show at any city/venue in the world, where would it be?
Anna: Rio de Janeiro - Rocking Rio Festival.
Josh: Budokan, Japan.
Cleveland: Wembley Stadium, London.
Q: What is the main influence behind your music?
Anna: A story of my life, that I would like to share with people.
Josh: My music influence is Zac Wild.
Tory: King Diamond.
Q: How old were you when you first picked up an instrument?
Anna: I was doing dancing and when my teacher passed away, I stopped. So I started singing… I was 8 or 9 years old.
Josh: I was 12 when I started playing a guitar, I was 8 when I started play piano, but didnt like it much.
Tory: 8 years old.
Cleveland: 10 years old.
Matthew: 7 years old.
Q: What would be your weapon of choice in an apocalypse?
Anna: My voice and will power.
Josh: Katana.
Tory: Sword.
Matthew: Mind.
Q: If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Anna: Greek Salad.
Josh: Dashirac.
Cleveland: Burger.
Tory: Steak.
Matthew: Anything vegeterian.
Q: If you were on tour in another country, which member is most likely to get lost in a random city?
Anna, Josh, Cleveland, & Tory: Matthew.
Matthew: I would.
Q: What is the first album you ever bought?
Anna: Lana Delray - Lust for Life.
Josh: Metallica - Black Album.
Tory: King Diamond - Abigail.
Q: What was the first concert you went to?
Anna: Lana Delray 2018 Melbourne.
Josh: Michael Learns to Rock.
Tory: Metallica.
Cleveland: Metallica.